Wellnesslandschaft mit Dampfkabine, Ruheraum und Wärmekabine


Lindauer Narrensprung

Lindauer Narrensprung

… we`d love to hear from you

Hotel Garni Brugger

D- 88131 Lindau / i. Bodensee
Bei der Heidenmauer 11
Telefon 0 83 82 / 93 41-0
Telefax 0 83 82 / 934168
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If you are travelling by train you will arrive at the beautiful Lindau railway station.
It´ll then take only a few steps to stand in front of this historical building and enjoy the legendary view of the Lindau Harbour with its lighthouse and the statue of the an bavarian symbol – the lion. Ten minutes on foot from the station, walking through the picturesque Lindau Island lanes and you will see Lindau’s beautiful old town. Alternatively, you can also opt for a taxi.


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